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German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) was established with the goal of networking, securing, and providing access to data resources throughout Germany. Their aim is to create a structure for the support of science and research in order to develop a comprehensive research data management and thus to increase the efficiency of science (inter)nationally in a sustainable way.

Concept of the NFDIHide

In order to establish and promote a national network, the German federal and state governments founded the non-profit association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V., based in Karlsruhe, in October 2020. In three funding phases, a total of 26 consortia from different scientific disciplines and a basic service as a network of all consortia were selected to support the association.

They will work together in the subject-specific consortia and in the interdisciplinary sections to make research data available according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The necessary structures will be established step by step in a bottom-up and science-driven process until 2028 by establishing data standards, modeling science-specific metadata and ontologies, and clarifying fundamental legal and ethical issues.

The University of Bayreuth is an official member of NFDI e.V. since October 2023.

Consortia of the NFDI

The NFDI comprises a total of 26 consortia from different scientific disciplines and a basic service that focuses on the development of cross-consortia services. Within the consortia, the scientific communities work together with partners from the infrastructure to develop subject-specific requirements for sustainable research data management and the necessary services and offerings.

Basic servicesHide


In Base4NFDI, all subject-specific consortia are working together to identify and develop cross-consortia basic services and to establish and consolidate service offerings that are needed beyond the boundaries of the individual consortia. Services are currently being developed for Identity & Access Management (IAM4NFDI), for Terminology Services (TS4NFDI), for Persistent Identifier (PID4NFDI), for a central JupyterHub (Jupyter4NFDI), for data management plans (DMP4NFDI), for a knowledge graph infrastructure (KGI4NFDI) and for a central marketplace for software (nfdi.software).

Humanities and Social SciencesHide

Research Data Infrastructure for Business, Economic and Related Data

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Research Data Infrastructure for the Social, Educational, Behavioural and Economic Sciences

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Research Data Infrastructure on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage

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Research Data Infrastructure for the Historically Oriented Humanities

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Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History

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Language and text-based research data infrastructure

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Engineering SciencesHide

Research Data Infrastructure for Data Science and Artifical Intelligence

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Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research

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Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

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Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science and Materials Engineering

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Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science

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Life SciencesHide

Research Data Infrastructure for Plant research data

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Research Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems

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Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology

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German Human Genome-Phenome Archive

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Research Data Infrastructure for Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental Data

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Research Data Infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis

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Research Data Infrastructure for personal health data

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Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research

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Natural SciencesHide

Research Data Infrastructure for Photon and Neutron Experiments

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Research Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids

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Research Data Infrastructure for sciences related to catalysis

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Research Data Infrastructure for Mathematical Research Data

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Research Data Infrastructure for Chemistry

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Research Data Infrastructure for Earth System Sciences

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Research Data Infrastructure for Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons

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NFDI at University of Bayreuth

The University of Bayreuth is involved in the development of the National Research Data Infrastructure in different ways and therefore also participates in various consortia of the NFDI.

Participation in the NFDIHide
  • (Co-)Speaker:

    NFDIxCS (Prof. Agnes Koschmider, Chair of Business Informatics and Process Analytics)

Sections of the NFDI

In order to promote cooperation and knowledge sharing between the consortia, several sections have been established. These sections work together on cross-cutting and interdisciplinary topics in order to make effective use of existing synergies between the consortia, for example to establish common standards and formats.

Common InfrastructuresHide

The section Common Infrastructures is responsible for maintaining communication between the various consortia and providing a basis for the development and use of cross-consortia structures within the framework of the basic services. Furthermore, a multi-cloud-based infrastructure is intended to provide an opportunity for the exchange and shared use of resources (section concept).

Ethical, Legal and Social AspectsHide

The section Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects focuses on the ethical, legal and social aspects of research data. Existing knowledge from the communities will be used to develop solutions and guidelines for various issues and, for example, to develop statements on current legislative proposals (section concept).

(Meta)data, Terminologies, ProvenanceHide

In order to make research data findable and reusable according to the FAIR principles, it is essential to describe the data using metadata. Therefore, the section for (Meta)data, Terminologies, Provenance is working across consortia on the development and establishment of uniform data and metadata standards, also with regard to a possible NFDI core metadata format (section concept).

Training & EducationHide

In accordance with the guiding principle "Data literacy from the very beginning" the section Training & Education aims to integrate the basics of the appropriate handling of research data into existing educational concepts and to establish them at all levels of competence, from bachelor students to professors. Therefore, they will establish a common knowledge base in form of a platform for the development and provision of target group-specific and demand-oriented materials (section concept).

Industry EngagementHide

Data is not only generated in science and research, but industry also creates valuable data sets. The Industry Engagement section has therefore set itself the goal of creating the conditions for cooperation and coordination between these actors. To achieve this, they will develop uniform framework conditions for cooperation between the NFDI consortia and industry and establish a common platform for exchange (section concept).

Further information

Detailed and further information about the NFDI is available on the official NFDI website. It is also possible to subscribe to the offical NFDI newsletter, which provides monthly news about the NFDI. In addition, forschungsdaten.info provides a comprehensive overview of relevant topics related to the NFDI.

Webmaster: Dr. Birgit Regenfuß

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