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Research Data Management

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Collections@UBT - University of Bayreuth's digital collection management system allows institutions, units and projects the provision of audiovisual and multimedia material for teaching and research.

Based on easydb, a flexible and web-based digital asset management (DAM) and media asset management (MAM) system, files along with their associated metadata are stored and organized centrally within one database. easydb is developed by the Programmfabrik GmbH since 2003 for the management of digital media content.

If you want to learm more about Collections@UBT, please refer to the

In order to deposit data in Collections@UBT with a tailored metadata scheme or for personal training and tutorials, feel free to get in touch with us!

Website and login

You can find Collections@UBT on https://collections.uni-bayreuth.de/ and login using your bt-identifier (btXXXXXX).

Estates & Bequests

As the University of Bayreuth strives to permanently preserve the work of individuals, associations, and other legal entities closely associated with the University, and to make the testimony of their work accessible for use, these can be bequeathed during one's lifetime (bequest) or come to the University via descendants, heirs, or the like (estate).

With Collections@UBT a service is provided to acquire data from estates and bequests in the form of

  • digital collections and research material (e.g. photographs, films, music, spoken contributions such as readings, interviews or conversations, 3D graphics, CAD models as well as digital texts)

on the basis of a contractual arrangement (donation, deposit; see the legal information for further details).
University members and associated entities can access and present their digitally available collection and research material.
Thanks to a flexible data model and configurable rights management, the system can be largely adapted to the needs of researchers.

As a rule not accepted are analogue research data (e.g. texts, questionnaires, photographs etc. in non-digital form).

These kind of data can possibly be offered to University Archives or the University Library.

For more information on services of individual facilities in detail, please refer to the website Estates & Bequests

Webmaster: Dr. Thomas Martin

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