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Research Data Management

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FDM@UBT: what we offer

The University of Bayreuth supports researchers in all areas of research data management. The Office of Research Support, the University Library, and the IT Service Centre work together to provide support in all phases of your project.

This includes

  • advice on the research data management requirements of national and international funding agencies
  • advice on practical data management and, if needed, on creating a data management plan
  • information on ways to integrate project-specific IT systems for collecting data / data storage in the research data management infrastructure
  • information on metadata and metadata standards
  • advice on publishing research data (repositories, data journals)
  • support with the DOI allocation when publishing research data
  • advice on the long-term availability of research data (metadata allocation, archiving, and using RADAR)
  • providing access to RADAR
  • research data management training

Apart from the personal support our IT services include

Webmaster: Dr. Thomas Martin

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