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Research Data Management

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General Information

What are the FAIR principles?Hide

The FAIR principles are intended to ensure a sustainable research data management. Data and associated metadata are prepared, managed and stored in such a way that the data sets can be reused for further research.
The acronym FAIR represents for the four principles:

  • Findable
  • Accessible
  • Interoperable
  • Re-usable

Information on implementing the FAIR principles in your research can be found at forschungsdaten.info, on the website of the „GO FAIR“-Initiative or in the OpenAIRE guide for researchers "How to make your data FAIR", including a checklist for evaluating your own data with regard to the FAIR principles. In a blog post on FAIR the TIB Hannover take a closer look at the tasks of researchers and repositories in implementing the FAIR Data Principles for research data.

What are the CARE principles?Hide

The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance were developed by the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA) as a supplement to the FAIR principles. While the FAIR principles focus mainly on the technical aspects of sustainable research data management, the CARE principles are focusing on the content of the data. The CARE principles aim to sensitize researchers to the handling of data of indigenous origin and to support them in safeguarding the rights and interests of indigenous peoples during their research.
The principles of CARE are:

  • Collective benefit
  • Authority to control
  • Responsibility
  • Ethics

Further information on the CARE principles and their application can be found on the website of the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA)

What is a persistent identifier (PID)?Hide

A persistent identifier is a unique reference to digital objects, people or organizations, consisting of numeric or alphanumeric characters that ensures that they can be reliably and persistently located, identified, and cited. If the name or location of a resource changes, the unique code of the identifier remains unchanged. The use of PIDs increases the visibility and findability of research data and research activities.
Commonly used identifiers include:

  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for digital objects
  • URN (Uniform Resource Name) for digital objects
  • ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for people
  • ROR ID (Research Organization Registry) for institutions
What is a research data centre?Hide

Research data centres provide access to data that cannot be published openly due to various restrictions. They have been established to make these data available for scientific use. The centres are located at government agencies or scientific institutions and act as trustees for the data. They are also responsible for the documentation and long-term availability of the data. As part of a nationwide sustainable research infrastructure, Germany currently has a network of 41 research data centres accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in the fields of social, behavioral and economic research.

Further information and an overview of the currently existing data centres can be found on the KonsortSWD website.

How can data be backed up during the work process?Hide

The backup of data should not only be considered at the end of a project, but also during the ongoing work process, in order to prevent potential data loss at an early stage. The so-called 3-2-1 rule can form a basis for the backup of data. This rule recommends that, data should be saved in three copies on two different storage media, for example on your own computer and also on a network drive or an external hard drive. One of the copies should also be stored in an external location, for example on a central university storage service.

However, it is important to ensure that data is backed up not just once, but at regular intervals, ideally at predetermined times. Further information on the 3-2-1 rule can be found on the NFDI4Chem website.

Long-term availability

What is long-term availability?Hide

The long-term availability of research data refers to the ability to keep data accessible and usable over an extended period of time. In contrast to pure data storage, which is limited to the physical storage of data, long-term availability also includes aspects such as the management, documentation, backup and maintenance of data. Long-term availability is often referred to for periods of more than 10 years. Further information on this topic can be found on the LZV Bayern website.

Why perform long-term availability?Hide

Long-term availability is important to ensure that research data remains accessible and usable in the future. This means that the data can also be used by other researchers and scientists, leading to increased scientific transparency and efficiency. In addition, long-term availability can contribute to the improvement of the quality and trustworthiness of research results, since the data can be verified and reproduced.

How to ensure the long-term availability of data?Hide

There are two components that are important to ensure the long-term use of data: From a technical perspective, it is important to ensure that the data can be interpreted correctly. This means that the data can be read correctly from the storage medium and that the file formats used can still be read in the future. From a content perspective, it is also necessary to ensure that the content of the data can be understood. It must be documented exactly which data is available and how it was collected. For both components, it is therefore important to archive the associated information as carefully as the data itself.

What are the risks of insufficient long-term availability of research data?Hide

Insufficient long-term availability of research data can lead to the loss or non-reproducibility of important research results. This can lead to a loss of knowledge and compromise the quality and trustworthiness of research results. It can also lead to a waste of resources and time if the data has to be collected and processed again.


What is the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.?Hide

The National Research Data Infrastructure Association Germany (NFDI) was founded by the Federal Government and all 16 states on October 12, 2020. The aim of the Association is to establish and develop a comprehensive and sustainable research data management system and to ensure that valuable data sets are re-usable in the long-term.
The NFDI involves 26 consortia that represent the various scientific disciplines and, as a joint initiative of all NFDI consortia, Base4NFDI. Detailed information on the NFDI and all participating consortia as well as Base4NFDI can be found on the NFDI website.


What is a research data repository?Hide

A research data repository is an infrastructure for storing digital research data. Purpose of the research data repository is to enable long-term storage of the research data in a structured way by using metadata, so that it can be found, accessed and re-used as long as possible.

Who has access to the research data in a repository?Hide

Uploading data to a repository does not necessarily mean that all interested parties get unrestricted access to the data. Depending on the respective repository, graduated access categories may be available. In addition to free access (with or without registration), some repositories also offer publishing research data with a delay (embargo period) or granting access to the metadata only, without sharing the data. Publishing the metadata allows others to find the dataset, but the research data itself is not accessible. Access to the data is then granted after consent to a use license (e.g. general use license for scientific use) or even only after consent by the data provider for the stated intended use.

Is FAIR Data = Open Data?Hide

FAIR Data does not necessarily mean open data. It is not always possible to publish research data open access. Ethical or legal reasons may restrict or even prevent the public sharing of research data. Provided there is clarity and transparency regarding the conditions for access and re-use of research data, access restrictions are in line with the FAIR principles. A detailed description can be found in the report of the GO FAIR initiative "What is the difference between “FAIR data” and “Open data” if there is one?

Disclaimer: The content presented here has been compiled carefully to the best of our knowledge. However, it does not provide legally binding information. In general, the FDM@UBT Team cannot supply any legally binding information.

Webmaster: Dr. Birgit Regenfuß

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