"Horror Stories" for Halloween - Data PubliCaution
Lost records, accidentally deleted data or which version of the data set was actually the current one?
Such and other “horror stories” in research data management probably almost every researcher knows about. The FDM@UBT team takes the time around Halloween as an opportunity to draw attention to some pitfalls in research data management – in best case to avoid the scary moment.
During the "Data Horror Week" from October 23 - 27, 2023 the team will present a new horror story every day, taken from the Bibliothèque de L'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Forschungsdatenmanagement
Heute: RDM Horror Story "Data PubliCaution" from the Bibliothèque de l´EPFL.