Registration for the conference is open: FORGE 2021 - Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften (Research data in humanities)

MAPPING THE LANDSCAPE - Humanities research data management
between local and global, generic and specific solutions
The registration for participation in the FORGE 2021 conference is open now and handled via the ConfTool:
The registration is possible up to and including Sunday, September 5, 2021, 11:59 p.m. The conference takes place digitally via Zoom and Gater. Participation is free of charge.
In the ConfTool, you can also register for half-day or full-day workshops that will take place on September 8, 2021. Unfortunately the ConfTool does not block the booking of overlapping sessions. Therefore, please make sure that you only register for workshops that do not overlap. The number of participants in the workshops is limited.
You will receive further information about the conference as well as the access data for the events by email shortly before the conference.
Visit the conference website for more information:
Please send any queries by e-mail to the following address: