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Open Data Impact Award | Invitation to tenders 2021

25. Juni 2021

The Open Data Impact Award honors researchers who enable their data to be re-used by providing their data and who uncover the innovation potential of their research. Through the prize money and the attention, it creates incentives for both scientists to make their data available for open use and for subsequent users to further develop this data in an innovative way. There are three prizes between 5,000 and 15,000 euros.

Who may apply? Scientists or research groups from all disciplines at universities or non-university research institutions based in Germany who have made their research data open and enabled reuse and who have developed an innovative reuse outside of science or who show the potential for a social impact in reuse of their data.

The application deadline is August 15, 2021. Follow the link to the application.


T 030 322982-538 // E Anna.Held@stifterverband.de
Social Media working student: Anahita Safarenejad
T: 0049 1733926394 // E  Anahita.safarnejad@stifterverband.de 

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