Data owners organize their data in pools that are either exclusively available to university members, invited users or worldwide. Explanation on contents, contact details and direct access to specific pools can be found in the overview below.
- Social AntropologyHide
source subpool(s) content Prof. Dr. em. Gerd Spittler (born 1939, Donaueschingen/Germany) was Professor for Cultural and Social Anthropology at Bayreuth University from 1988-2004. His collection comprises photographs, audio recordings and field notes. His research focussed on topics of work, material culture and social structures in peasant/farmer and nomadic societies in North and West Africa, especially with Tuareg and Hausa people in Niger, Nigeria and Algeria. count 6289 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members ✔
worldwide ✔status under development
actively maintainedcontact Gerd Spittler | ✉
Institute of African Studies (IAS) - Images and Research Data Archive
- Graduate school 'Intercultural Relations in Africa'Hide
source content DFG-funded graduate school at the Institute for African Studies at the University of Bayreuth. Funder: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 1991-1999count 30 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact XXX | ✉ - Image library Ernst & Ruth DammannHide
source content Ernst Karl Alwin Hans Dammann (1904-2003) was a German Africanist and also devoted to religious studies. the archive comprises mainly photographs taken by his wife Ruth Dammann (1911-1955; born Scholtisek in Breslau), who accompanied her husband on his extensive African research travels. The photographs were taken in East Africa and Southwestafrica; some of the photographs are from Namibia. It also comprises written documents and audio recordings from different African languages. Ernst Dammann was a member of the Nazi party since 1931 or 1933. His person and his research have been evaluated very critically recently. count 4332 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact XXX | ✉ - Photographs Caspary, MaasaiHide
source content Photographs by Dr. Hermann Caspary. Research on the Maasai in Tanzania in the 1970s. count 28 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact XXX | ✉ - Research seminar 'Local Action in Africa in the Context of Global Influences'Hide
source content Research Seminar 560 (FKO 560) 'Local Action in Africa in the Context of Global Influences' Funder: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2000-2007
See also: 23 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact XXX | ✉
Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth - Collections and Archive
The object collection of the museum and art space Iwalewahaus comprises paintings, graphical arts, a poster collection, traditional arts and artifacts and a media collection. The archive contains secondary material related to the object collections like literature, manuscripts and other documents on the one hand, and material relating to the history and protagonists of the Iwalewahaus as an institution on the other hand.
- Art collectionHide
source content The art collection comprises paintings, sculptures, graphics, photographs as well as arts&crafts of the Iwalewhaus. The collection has its focus on modern and contemporary works of art from African artists. count 638 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members ✔
worldwide ✔status under development
actively maintainedcontact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ subpool(s) count 47 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members ✔
worldwide ✔status under development
actively maintainedcontact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ - Audiovisual collectionHide
source content count 517 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ - Iwalewahaus institutional archiveHide
source content Documents and other material relating to the history of the Iwalewahaus. count 2 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ - Music archiveHide
source content count 2336 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ - Poster collectionHide
source content The collection contains mainly posters relating to exhibitions and events that were organized by the Iwalewahaus itself or of events and activities organized by alien institutions or initiatives that took place at the Iwalewahaus. count 162 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉ - Textile collectionHide
source content The textile collection includes around 700 objects. These include particularly valuable individual pieces from the Gardi collection that date back to the beginning of the 20th century and are no longer produced today (technology, decor). count 263 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members x
worldwide xstatus under development contact Alexandra Kuhnke | ✉
Staff unit Press, Marketing & Communication
- photosHide
source subpool(s) content Contents of the pool „Staff unit Press, Marketing & Communication > photos“ may be used for the interests of the university (public image, promotion, etc.). If the photographs are used for presentation or information purposes, the reference must be as follows: „Photo: University of Bayreuth“. count 592 objects (as of June/2021) availability university members ✔
worldwide xstatus actively maintained contact Chrisitan Göppner | ✉
Jürgen Rennecke | ✉